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Hendricks Durocs.tif

WLLH Landlord x RWG Total Package x HD Clout

Bred By Hendricks Durocs

Wow! One of the most intriguing hogs we have made to date! At 5 months old he weighed 336 lbs. Incredible growth, huge rib with a big tank and yet has an awesome athletic hind leg. Xpand is big in every dimension. Extra length of body and neck, yet opens up with shoulder shape and dimension. Bigger outlined, and just big all over.

Bred to be a true production/performance hog. Study his pedigree! Putting Oldline American Durocs with true performance hogs. Combines our two meat quality lines with impactful Duroc boars in his pedigree that were tested and proven. Covers all the basics that we strive to assemble. Growth, meat quality traits, productive, and sound.

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